Setting up a Wi-Fi hotspot on your phone is the easiest way to connect gadgets like laptops and tablets to the internet while you’re out and about – or if you're at home and your WI-Fi isn't playing nice.
The Wi-Fi hotspot your phone can generate lets you share its connection with quite a few of your other devices – perfect if you want to work on your laptop while on a train, for example. Just be careful though, using your mobile data on a laptop or tablet could run through your allowances really quickly. And even if you have unlimited data, tethering like this may not be included.
How to set up a Wi-Fi hotspot on iPhone
If you want to share your iPhone’s internet connection, just follow these steps to create a Wi-Fi hotspot:
Go to Settings
Go to Cellular
Go to Cellular Data Network
Scroll down to Personal Hotspot and enter a Username
Go back to the Cellular settings
Go to Personal Hotspot
Tap Wi-Fi Password and create a secure, unique password
Toggle the Personal Hotspot on
Now you can connect other devices to your iPhone’s Wi-Fi hotspot by searching for it like any other Wi-Fi network.
How to set up a Wi-Fi hotspot on Android
It’s easy to share your Android device’s internet connection. The exact method might vary depending on your make of phone, but it’s usually something like this:
Go to Settings
Go to More under Wireless & networks
Go to Tethering & portable hotspot
Go to Set up Wi-Fi hotspot
Choose a Network name and Password
Tap Portable Wi-Fi hotspot
That’s it! Your Android device will now be putting out a Wi-Fi hotspot that you can search for like any other Wi-Fi network.
Need a hand with the settings? Feel free to call our colleagues on ShopLive to sort it out.