These days, despite advancements in technology, Britain is still a nation that loves to look back on eras gone by. From period dramas on our TV screens, to overpriced vintage gadgets and 70s band logos adorned on T-shirts, we are well and truly embracing the power of nostalgia.
We conducted a survey to find out just how powerful nostalgia can be and why the nation likes to ‘throw it back’ to the good old days.
The favourite decade
For a nation with such a rich history, there’s a lot to be fond of. So, when were the ‘golden years’? We put the question forward to the country and turns out, it is the 1960s that wins the title of ‘favourite decade’ with 35% of the vote. The music of Jimmy Hendrix and the iconic ‘Twiggy look’ really made an impact, as music and fashion trends were the most popular reason why people would choose to go back if they could. This was swiftly followed by the 1980s with (33%) and the 1970s (2%).
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, which could be why people have very little interest in the last ten years. The 2010s only received 4% of the vote, with the only redeeming trait being that people felt it was the least stressful decade. On the other hand, the noughties, a decade that brought about the rise in smartphones and yoga pants, were twice as popular as 2010s.
The biggest triggers of nostalgia
Nostalgia is a longing for the past, and it’s something many of us experience in very different ways. However, looking back to days gone by can produce a mixed bag of emotions; almost 57% of people said it reflects the good old days, whereas 1 in 10 people said that it is an avoidance of the present. We took a closer look into what is most likely to trigger nostalgia in Brits, whether it be a happy experience or not.
Music has a significant force, and just listening to a lyric or melody can transport you to different time. A song can remind you exactly how you felt while you danced at your wedding, or perhaps during a difficult break-up. So, it’s not surprising that 55% of people stated that music sparked the most feelings of nostalgia. This is followed by films (33%) and speaking with family and friends (23%).
Some people crave a time when life was as simple as the technology. Almost 1 in 10 people reminisce when using old games consoles, while vintage mobile phones spark nostalgia in 7% of people. It’s no wonder SIM-free smartphones are a popular choice these days, with their ‘no strings attached’ element a reminder of the care-free days of the past.
The money makers
It’s evident people enjoy thinking about the past so much so, that they’re willing to fork out for vintage technology or memorabilia that’s still in working condition. So, what should you be selling if you want to get a slice of the pie? We unearthed that 34% of Britons are willing to spend more money on older generations of mobile phones than the latest device. Right behind mobiles were music devices with 32% and games consoles with 21%.
So, who is the target market for your nostalgic side hustle? Apparently, 17% of millennials are willing to pay more for vintage arcade games or consoles in working order. If you have any mid-generation SIM-free mobile phones that are in good nick, 35% of people aged 55+ are most willing to pay more for them.
How this data was collected
This data was collected through a survey with 2042 participants across the UK with Censuswide.
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