Welcome to Japan, 1863. After 300 years of oppression under the Tokugawa Shogunate, the Black Ships from the west have landed on the coast. Uh oh. And things aren’t looking too hot. Disease. War. Political upheaval. It’s all going on. We don’t think the place would have got a good score on TripAdvisor back then…
As a masterless ronin, you’ll forge your destiny against this dark backdrop. With a heavy focus on fast-paced combat, fight, explore and ride your way across an epic recreation of 19th century Japan. Oh, and you literally hold the fate of the country in your hands too. No pressure.
What is Rise of the Ronin’s release date?
Rise of the Ronin charges onto PlayStation 5 on March 22, 2024. So, sharpen your sword and polish your armour - because you don’t have long to prepare.
How much will Rise of the Ronin cost?
It’ll cost a whole lot less than a real-life trip to Japan. You can grab a physical copy for just £69.99. Or, if you’d prefer to go digital, get a PlayStation gift card from us and download it from the PlayStation Store for the same price. Sorted.
Can I pre-order Rise of the Ronin?
You sure can. Pre-orders are live as we speak. And if you do decide to pre-order, you’ll get a bunch of extra in-game goodies to play with. Depending on the edition you go for, that could be a whole new armour set and exclusive weapons. While some even chuck in a digital artbook and a copy of the soundtrack. Sounds good to us!
Rise of the Ronin platforms and crossplay
Rise of the Ronin is the next big blockbuster hitting the PS5. And you’ll only to be able to play it on Sony’s latest console. Sorry Xbox fans! Oh, and if you’re still rocking a PS4 – it won’t be showing up there either. Which makes this game the perfect excuse for an upgrade.
As this is a single-player only title, there isn’t any crossplay going on here either. So, you won’t be crossing swords with ronin on other platforms.
How to play Rise of the Ronin
In Rise of the Ronin, you’ll journey through a war-torn landscape on horseback and by glider (yes, really) – carving your own path through the chaos. And every choice you make will impact the story in a different way. Do you team up with a marauding band of warriors? Or should you assassinate that cruel local lord instead? Whatever you decide, these decisions will change the course of history. So, choose wisely!
And this wouldn’t be a proper samurai game without some hectic sword-on-sword combat. The devs have built a deep – yet accessible – battle system that can be adapted to suit any kind of playstyle. If you like to get up close and personal, then grab your katana or nodachi (a massive two-handed sword). But if you want to keep your distance, there’s always a musket or pistol instead. Even if it is the dishonourable option…
Plus, the PS5 controller makes these face offs even more realistic. Haptic feedback means you’ll actually feel the scrape of a blade against your own. And through the adaptive triggers, the shudder of your rifle as you unleash a devastating volley.
How many hours of gameplay will Rise of the Ronin have?
Rise of the Ronin is a big open world action RPGs. And while we don’t have an exact number to go on right now, it’s probably safe to say you’ll be spending at least 30 hours in old timey Japan. There’s going to be plenty to do on your travels too. From duels against deadly samurai, to full on chaotic battles. And we reckon there’ll be loads of cool secrets to uncover and collect as well.
Who are the main characters?
We don’t know a ton about the cast of characters just yet. But we do know that you’ll be playing as a nameless ronin. The title helped us out a little bit there…
What’s a ronin though? Good question. They were basically samurai warriors in feudal Japan who didn’t serve a lord. Their master might have fallen in battle, or in some extreme cases, they could have been completely banished from his lands. The word literally translates as ‘wave man’. So, the idea is that he’d be a bit of a wanderer and drifter – with no clear loyalties to anyone. Pretty cool, right?
And that’s where you, the player, comes in. While we don’t know his exact circumstances, we can probably guess your ronin is going to have a suitably tragic backstory to discover. They usually do.
What are the different Rise of the Ronin game mode options?
There’s just the one single-player mode here, but that’s all you’re going to need. It’s packed chock full of exciting missions and moments. Meaning you wouldn’t really have time for another game mode anyway!
Will Rise of the Ronin have a multiplayer mode?
As cool as it would be to adventure across the Japanese countryside with your mates, this is a single player game through and through. So, you won’t be able to rely on them to help you out in a scrap.
What Rise of the Ronin features are player customisable?
You’ll be able to customise almost every part of your ronin. But let’s start with the weapons. Arm yourself with spears, staffs, daggers, muskets – and of course, the iconic katana – to defeat your enemies. You can even pick from unique combat styles that completely change how you fight. So, if you prefer to wield a naginata (a big stick with a curved blade at the end), you’ll have the right skills to match it.
You’re going to have to look the part while you roam around Japan too. Need some more protection? Charge into battle dressed in a full suit of samurai armour. Or maybe you prefer to stick to the shadows instead? Equip the stealthy look of the ninja and get your sneak on - scuttling over the rooftops with your trusty grappling hook. They won’t know what’s hit them until it’s too late!
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